Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Recipe Contest! (THP-Only Version)

Good afternoon and happy Friday all! 
So I did a recipe contest on my FB page and it was a pretty good thing - several new great recipes for my company website (with credit to the recipe authors of course) and a lot of good food pron. 
But some folks here are not on FB, so I wanted to do one here so that the great throwdown chefs of THP could get in on the action. 
The rules are simple: 
1. you must make the dish yourself with an original recipe
2. you must write a legible list of ingredients and a recipe that can be followed  (e.g. this ain't Shakespeare, but it's gotta make sense) 
3. you must use Lucky Dog Hot Sauce in your recipe (one of the original 6 varieties) 
4. people must want to shove it in their face-holes. 
5. LDHS cannot be a "finishing sauce" for this - it's an ingredient. So please don't post up your boring cheeseburger with Lucky Dog poured over the top. While undoubtedly delicious, that's not considered a recipe.
6. you must post POL (proof of life) in the photos of your creation - for the purposes of this contest, that means showing the bottle of Lucky Dog you used, as well as $0.55 cents, USD 
7. USA entries only, please. Sorry to the international folks - shipping's just too brutal. If you have a means of shipping affordably, (e.g. friend/relative I can ship to in the states who can then bring it to you, or who you wish to donate your winnings to) please contact me privately and perhaps an exception can be made. 
8. Important: By posting your recipe / photos, you are giving me permission to post them to my company website's recipe page, located here.  I will credit the author of the recipe using either your THP user name or your real name, or 1st name last initial or by whatever nickname you provide to me at the end of the contest.  I will absolutely post up the winners. I will likely post most, if not all of the entries because hey, why not. More cooking for Lucky Dog Hot Sauce fans!  
That's it for rules! 
This can be literally anything - an appetizer, a savory main dish, a desert, any style or nationality of food, fried, stewed, braised, broiled, grilled, sauteed, George Foreman-grilled, smoked, cured, cased, sushi'd or BBQ'd - hell, you can steam it if you want to - so long as it uses one of the 6 varieties of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce as an ingredient, you're good. 
Q: Oh crap on a stick, I don't have any Lucky Dog Hot Sauce! :(
A: Shame on you! You should be painted chartreuse, then dragged into the street and beaten with slightly soggy cabbage until you know what humiliation truly is. Oh, wait, no - sorry, bit too extreme. There's plenty of time. I will wait to post the voting until 1 month from today (September 8th, 2014) so you have plenty of time to order some.
Bonus: As an entrant in this contest, you can email me for a discount coupon to take 15% off your order (which will stack with 3-packs, 4-packs & 6-packs). Easy huh? :dance: 
Q: How will the winner be decided? 
  • On September 8th, 2014 I will post a poll for voting.
  • There will be 5 days to vote for the top 3.  
  • The top 3 will then be placed into a 48 hour run-off vote to determine who wins. 
Q: What happens in the event of a tie? 
A: A 24 hour vote will take place to determine the tie-breaker between the two. 
Q: I'm a total bad-ass in the kitchen. This is like taking candy from a baby!  What will I win when I am declared the most awesomest chef at THP? 
A: Try a little humility pal - it's just a cooking contest. And stop taking candy from babies. What's wrong with you? Sheesh. :dance: 
  • 1st place will receive: 7-pack of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, including the new Dia del Perro :woohoo:  and a classic dog & Horshoe lucky dog t-shirt
  • 2nd place will receive: 3-pack of Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, winner's choice of the original 6 varieties :woohoo:  
  • 3rd place will receive: the soulful sound of the world's saddest trombone, along with the angsty inspiration to try that much harder next time, having just missed out on free sauce while being good enough to beat everyone else. Tragic, really. :( (and a bottle of one of the original six flavors of lucky dog hot sauce)
Important note:  Please post entries to THIS topic and this topic only. Post the recipe, preparation instructions, any special instructions, along with at least 1 but no more than 2 prep pic(s), and 1 final presentation photo.  
And there it is - get cookin', and good luck to everyone who enters! 

Ps - Edited to add, you can PM me here too. Email, PM, pool or a pond, pond's good for me. 
I'll think of something CIPE......
or have one too many re-wines........ 
Either way, as long as LDHS is InDaHouz..... it's all guud~  :cool:
thanks for adding yet-another thing to your plate to watch, Scott.
It occurs to me that with the talent here at THP (at least judging by the throwdowns) this might be epic.

So, I'm upping the ante a little: 1st place also gets a LDHS t-shirt (classic dog/horseshoe) and 3rd place will get a single bottle (along with the sad trombone sound. lol)

as the kids say these days, BAM!
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
The pan-seared sea scallops were epic. Unanimous vote by the 4 judges.

You came in 2nd for 3/4 of us?
Pan-seared sea scallops has already been done???  Aw, MAN!  That's what I was gonna do!   :mope:
Hey Scott, are the KS shirts shipping soon?  If so, can pay you extra to throw in a couple bottles of red-colored or orange-colored sauces?  The ones I have are green colored....What I'm thinking of would look better with red or orange colored sauce. 
salsalady said:
Hey Scott, are the KS shirts shipping soon?  If so, can pay you extra to throw in a couple bottles of red-colored or orange-colored sauces?  The ones I have are green colored....What I'm thinking of would look better with red or orange colored sauce. 
Not quite yet - I was hoping to have them by last Friday - waiting for an update from my vendor. And getting a little ticked off at the lag. :(
Will post an update as soon as I have an ETA. 
That said, if they go out next week (as I hope) I can certainly arrange that with you off-line. Very easy to do. 

hmmmmmm :)
Sorry Chris - gotta use one of the original 6 varieties since the Dia del Perro is not for sale yet. 
Soon it will be, but it's not fair to others for you to use that awesome sauce just because you pledged to the KS! 

(great pic though! :D )